The lab was created within the Department of Mechanical Engineering in the College of Engineering at the University of Wisconsin-Madison by Prof. Wei Wang. The lab is broadly interested in designing and controlling autonomous robots within complex environments, with a special focus on aquatic settings. We are fascinated by innovative robot concepts that have the potential to offer groundbreaking solutions for both scientific and engineering challenges. We are also enthusiastic about enabling them to navigate through challenging environments autonomously and, when circumstances require, work together collaboratively. This includes novel methods and tools for control, planning, mapping, perception, and coordination. Our mission is to enable trustworthy and coordinated autonomy for a broad range of robotics applications, including but not limited to, aquatic monitoring, oceanic exploration, underwater construction, and urban transportation.
- 2024/08 Dr. Wang was appointed as an Associate Editor of the Journal of Field Robotics.
- 2024/05 Dr. Wang co-organized a workshop called “Bioinspired Robotics and Robotics for Biology” at the 2024 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA) in Yokohama, Japan.
- 2024/04 We showcase our robots to middle school students and the public at Engineering EXPO 2024.
- 2024/01 One paper “Robust Model Predictive Control with Control Barrier Functions for Autonomous Surface Vessels ” was accepted by the 2024 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA).
- 2024/01 Dr. Wang started his position as an assistant professor in ME Department at UW-Madison.
- 2023/10 We are seeking 2-3 PhD students in Control and Autonomy of Marine Robots, Bioinspired Robotics, Collective Robotics, etc., for the upcoming admissions cycle (Fall 2024); Deadline: 12/15/2023. Please visit our Opportunities page for more information.